Russell Simmons, DVM
Practice Owner
Dr. Simmons received his Doctor of Veterinary Medicine degree from Oklahoma State University on 2007. He was an associate veterinarian in east Texas for three years until returning to the Wichita Falls area in 2010. He is a mixed animal veterinarian and is currently a member of AVMA, TVMA and AAEP.
Years in Practice: 15
Oklahoma State University
Jered Harlan, DVM
Practice Owner
Dr. Harlan graduated from Oklahoma State College of Veterinary Medicine in 2008. He began working at Fellhauer Morris Veterinary Clinic upon graduation. He is a member of AVMA, AAEP, and TEVA. He is a mixed animal veterinarian, practicing on companion, performance and production animals. Jered enjoys hunting as well as spending time with his family.
Years in Practice 14
Oklahoma State College
Ross Thompson, DVM
Practice Owner
Dr. Thompson graduated from Oklahoma State University College of Veterinary Medicine in 2018. He began working for Simmons and Harlan upon graduation. He is a mixed animal veterinarian who enjoys golfing and hunting.
Years in Practice: 5
Oklahoma State
Travis Pruitt, DVM
Practice Owner
Dr. Pruitt graduated from Texas A&M in 2018. He began working for Simmons and Harlan upon graduation. He is a mixed animal veterinarian who enjoys wood working and archery.
Years in Practice: 5
Texas A&M